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planning out the school year with your au pair

Planning Out the School Year with your Au Pair

Planning out the school year with your Au Pair – As the new school year commences for 2023, it is essential that you implement the necessary measures to stay on top of your children’s weekly schedule so as to not miss out on any important dates or events. The back-to-school season is a busy one and can often become overwhelming. Adjusting to new routines and navigating new school schedules can often turn into weekly chaos. This is why it is imperative that you mentally and physically prepare yourself, your children and your au pair for the year ahead.

When planning out the school year with your au pair, one should recognise that au pair duties differ slightly from family to family. It is your responsibility to sit down and discuss what you expect of your au pair, and how they can best assist you and your children. In order to do this, you need to have a clear and concise overview of your child’s schedules, routines and obligations. It may take a little while to create this overview, and you and your au pair may have to revisit, adjust and add to the schedule as the year progresses. You will thank yourself later for putting in this up-front effort as it will make the coming year much easier for yourself, your kids and your au pair. Here we will discuss four simple points to consider while planning out the school year with your au pair.

Establish new routines and good habits

Each new year comes with new classes, different extra murals and the need for a new routine to get back into the swing of things. It is important to establish healthy habits within your household to maintain a sound routine for your children. For example, designated homework and play time after school. This way you are creating a stress-free and structured environment for your child to thrive in. Additionally, it could be advantageous to create realistic and obtainable goals for your children and your family. For example, to enjoy leisure time with the family, or to maintain open and productive family communications with regular conversational moments.

Set Reminders for Important Dates and Special Events

It is difficult enough keeping track of your own arrangements and responsibilities, not to mention your children’s as well. It can become overwhelming trying to remember ‘what time the next piano lesson is’, or ‘which weekend Jake’s birthday party is on’. It is thus imperative that, when planning out the school year with your au pair, you write down each and every special event, test date, extracurricular activity, birthday, school play and celebration. Create a calendar everyone has regular access to, whether it is a physical one stuck to the wall in your kitchen, or a Google calendar you can access virtually. This way nothing can slip through the cracks. Additionally, your au pair has the resources to schedule and plan his/her day to ensure they are present and punctual for all their responsibilities.

While school camps and prize giving dates are set from the beginning of the year, it is still important to remember to regularly review your calendar and make the necessary alterations as the year progresses. Extra tutor sessions for example, will only be planned a few weeks in advance, and may change from time to time.

Set Out Holidays on Calendar – Planning out the school year with your Au Pair

School holidays are also important to note on your 2023 schedule as your child’s routine will differ considerably during these times. School holidays often leave parents feeling anxious as they still need to attend work while juggling the responsibility of keeping their children safe and entertained during the day. By highlighting the holidays, you can identity when your au pair needs to be available at differing times and plan accordingly. Whether this means your au pair needs to take your children on stimulating excursions or simply make sure they are entertained at home, you can ensure your au pair will be available well in advance.

Send Weekly Schedule Changes to your Au Pair

It is advised that you send your family au pair any upcoming changes made to the schedule. Although it is their responsibility to keep up-to-date and on top of your child’s weekly agenda, it is as much your responsibility to inform them of any important changes to your family schedule. This way everyone is prepared. Everyone can stay on the same page, maintaining a stress-free and positive environment for your children. Planning allows you to be more agile. Life sometimes enjoys throwing us curveballs, so instead of having a rigid regime, planning allows one to prioritise and react to unanticipated circumstances and situations.

In conclusion, planning out the school year with your au pair is vital for the smooth sailing of the year ahead. Planning ahead is always beneficial to everyone involved, and ensures you are prepared for both planned and unplanned scenarios, activities and experiences. If you are looking for an au pair for your family, get in touch with one of our SA Cares consultants today.